To educate, enrich, serve and support the Schoo Community in order to prepare students for the future.

The goal for reporting to parents in the Lincoln Public Schools is to provide parents with accurate and helpful information about their child’s entire range of school experiences at the end of a grading period. The three areas in which teachers describe your child’s progress are in the areas of:

These three areas have been identified because they are the foundations for future success in school and in life.

To provide the most accurate and useful information about students, middle level students will receive three marks instead of the two marks given in the past.

The major difference is that the previous letter grade will be divided into the two areas of academic performance and work/ study habits. Usually, students who work in their classes during the day and study outside of school receive grades that reflect the work and effort of the student. Students sometimes struggle either with work and study habits or with academic performances such as tests, quizzes, final projects, and the like. The daily work and study habits are called formative activities, and the final graded activities like tests, quizzes, projects, and papers are called summative assessments. By splitting the grades into two separate areas, it is easier for teachers and parents to identify the strengths and weaknesses of students and provide the right type of support.

For a student to be successful in school at the middle level, so they can be successful in high school, they must:

Included in this pamphlet is more information about the three different marks. Please call your school if you have more questions.

Academic Performance Grade

The academic performance grade reflects what a student has learned and is able to do. The grade should indicate how well the student learned the required knowledge, skills, and concepts in each class.

AExceeds  District Standards of ProficiencyCOM
BMeets District Standards of ProficiencyS
D+Approaches District Standards of Proficiency 
FDoes Not Meet District Standards of Proficiency 

The academic performance grade includes what skills a student has attained, what knowledge a student has accumulated, and what concepts a student has understood by the end of the grading period

The mark INC (Incomplete) is given when a student has not yet fulfilled the requirements of the class, and must do so.


The mark CSO (Curriculum, Standards, and Objectives) means the grade was given based on how well the student met the requirements of the grade level district curriculum.  The mark IND (Individual) indicates the grade was given for the course based on the completion of a student’s individual educational goals.

Work/Study Habits

Work/ study habits are important predictors of achievement. Students who do not demonstrate effective work/study habits, even if they are currently earning proficient academic grades, may face difficulties in high school and beyond. Teachers will determine grades for work/study habits using the following nine indicators:

The following grades are used to evaluate work/study habits:

Commendable (COM): The student’s work and study habits consistently exhibit the nine indicators to make it possible for the student to maximize his or her learning experience in school.

Satisfactory (S): The student usually exhibits the nine indicators, which makes it possible for the student to meet the requirements for daily success in school.

Needs Improvement (N): The student rarely exhibits the nine indicators, which interferes with his or her learning on a daily basis.

Social/Behavioral Skills

Social/behavioral skills marks are given in order for parents to have a better understanding of how their child is doing in this area. Teachers will determine marks for social/behavioral skills using the following six indicators:

The following marks are used to evaluate social/behavioral skills:

Commendable (COM): The student’s behavior consistently exhibits the six indicators to make it possible for the student to reach his or her potential and help the students with whom he or she interacts to reach his or her potential.

Satisfactory (S): The student’s behavior usually exhibits the six indicators to make it possible for the student to reach his or her potential.

Needs Improvement (N): The student’s behavior rarely exhibits the six indicators which interfere with the student’s ability to reach his or her potential and interferes with the students with whom he or she interacts to reach his or her potential.

Key Definitions

Grade – A mark representing how a student is performing in a specific area.

Formative – Activities that are undertaken by teachers and students that provides information used as feedback in order to guide and adjust student learning.

Summative – Assessments used to determine how much a student has learned at a particular point in time in order to report achievement.

District Standard of Proficiency – The level that the district has determined that a student should attain for the grade level and the curriculum that they are in.

ParentVue is a component of the LPS Student Information System that allows parents/guardians to:

  • Access class information
  • Obtain email addresses to message teachers
  • Monitor attendance & report all-day absences 24×7
  • View and print report cards
  • Secondary Only: Monitor grades & automatically receive notifications when a grade falls below a selected level

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